Susan Schramm: Arne, you are the manager of the first The Cloud Hotel in Europe. How does that feel?

Arne Döbbert: It's a huge task for me, for my team. And I'm very, very proud to get the chance to do it. Even though it's not a typical 9-5 job. But it's incredibly fun.

Susan: How much Hamburg do you see here at The Cloud One?

Arne: Really a lot. That's also what The Cloud One is supposed to be about. We want to bring the city, its feeling, directly into the building. And the historical charm of the Kontorhaus district has been placed here very, very clearly. With the brick walls, which stand for the Kontorhaus district, with the works of art by Hamburg artist Jeannine Platz, who has conjured up the harbor silhouette in the lounge, who has brought the Chilehaus, which sits right next to the hotel, on the large painting behind the reception. So, wherever you look, you can see glimpses of Hamburg. And a large part of it is ultimately also the charm of my employees, the typical unpretentious Hamburg charm. Of course, we have that too and we want our guests to enjoy it here.

Susan: In culinary terms, there's also a lot from Hamburg here in the hotel to experience, isn't there?

Arne: Totally, it starts in the morning with breakfast, where we have found many regional products. Starting with the sausage, which comes from the Fricke organic butcher's shop. The bread, which comes fresh to the house every morning from the Bahde bakery. Then we have the jam from Schleswig-Holstein, the cheese from Schleswig-Holstein, the honeycomb and honey varieties from Hamburg and, in the future, from our own roof. There is a small bee hotel there, so that the honey bees produce the honey for breakfast directly here in the house. But there's more: if you want to round off the evening here, we have got a delicious pastrami sandwich - the pastrami also comes from the Fricke organic butcher's shop. Accompanied by Hamburg beer and a fine selection of German wines... The bar is open 24 hours a day, so it's always ready!

Susan: Speaking of which, the city also has a bad reputation for bad weather. Does it need a rooftop bar?

Arne: Yes, of course! Hamburgers are tough. And the rooftop bar is not just for our hotel guests, but also for the people of Hamburg. And a stiff breeze up there is part and parcel of Hamburg. And yet we still have plenty of sunshine and I'm looking forward to the first real sunset up there with a view towards Elphie, towards the harbor cranes. I think it will be a panorama that many Hamburg residents and our guests will remember for a long time.

Susan: Is this also your favorite spot here at the hotel?

Arne: Absolutely! It really is the Skybar. It's the icing on the cake that we've put in - or rather on - this house. The great furniture, the service... And when you're sitting up there - you actually have a 180 degree view - and then maybe the sun is shining, then that really is the highlight of the hotel.

Susan: When you do leave the hotel despite the skybar: What would be your tip for Hamburg? What is a must-see?

Arne: Well, if you look at the location of the hotel, you should start with the Speicherstadt warehouse district. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it's definitely a must-see for me. Then, on the way there, go to the Elphie, the Elbphilharmonie, visit the plaza and get some fresh air and look towards the Landungsbrücken, the quays. Watching ships is what Hamburg is all about. This dream of a long-distance journey by ship out to New York, that's the story that Hamburg tells - that's definitely the first route I would take to experience the city in all its essence. And if you're already there, take the harbor ferries to get a different perspective and see the Elbphilharmonie in all its glory from the water. Landungsbrücken, Alter Elbtunnel, these are the "signature pieces" that Hamburg has to offer. And then maybe just head for the Rathausmarkt and Binnenalster. These are must-sees in Hamburg. And then come back to the hotel, have a glass of wine and toast to a wonderful day!


